writing certain songs.

by Andrea

i have a question for you. Obviously I enjoy songs a lot more when I connect with the song, like when it is exactly how feel. When it connects with what I am going through in my life.

Often when I hear a song like this I wish I could write my song just like because it is exactly the type I wanna write and the words are "perfect".

So how do I write a song like another song I like with different words, or do you have any advice for a situation like this?

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Nov 04, 2009
Great Question!
by: Philip Quintas

My answer is: study the songs you connect with, reverse engineer them. I mean take them apart word by word, melody phrase by melody phrase, chord change by chord change. Then study the feelings you have and put together a piece that has something the same as the song you dissembled (ei. the structure or chord changes) and add something of your own (melody, story) and make your own masterpiece.

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